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An equally important objective of our site is to support and serve all of the local tracks and series themselves, by providing them with an avenue to reach, and interact with, the thousands of fans and racers in their local markets with information about their racing events. A passion of ours is to see local dirt track racing flourish, and we strive to do all we can to help fill the pits with cars and the grandstands with fans at every racing event held by our affiliates. The site contains many useful features, such as Race Results, Classifieds, Message Boards, the Rainout Report, a Chat Room, Racing Articles, and much more. However, the focal point of the site is the Dirt Driver Directory. This section of the site allows the fans to look up information on the local racers. Each driver listed on the site has his or her own professionally prepared profile page, displaying photos and information about the driver, the car, crew, sponsors, and the tracks and series where he or she races. The goal of dirtdrivers.com is to eventually contain a profile page for every racer in the coverage area. If any of your favorite drivers are not yet listed, encourage them to log in and submit their profile! Our affiliated tracks and series consist of two levels. Both Level I and Level II affiliates will be included in all of the basic features of the site, such as the Dirt Driver Directory, Track/Series Information pages, Message Boards, and many other features. In addition, Level I affiliates will also be included in the advanced features of the site - Race Results and the Rainout Report (timely updated information regarding cancellations and rescheduling during stormy race days). Over time, as more tracks and series become more involved with dirtdrivers.com, we will convert many of the Level II tracks to Level I. Supported classes on our site include both primary and secondary classes. Primary classes are dirt oval modern full-size or purpose-built racing automobiles powered by automobile engines. Secondary classes are classes of dirt oval racing that are compact stock automobiles, automobiles powered by small engines, karts, or classic/vintage automobiles, and dirt figure 8 racing automobiles. Off-road, motorcycle, quad, and other similar dirt racing divisions are not currently supported, but are possible future additions if sufficient demand exists. Supported tracks are all active dirt tracks within the boundaries of the coverage area depicted on our home page map that host supported classes. Supported series are all active series that host supported classes and visit these tracks. Tracks and series are considered active if they are scheduled to operate during the current racing season, or if they have operated in recent years and are expected to resume operation in the future. All supported tracks and series have the potential to be included as affiliates on our site. Supported tracks that regularly host races for primary classes are all automatically included as affiliates. The remaining supported tracks and any supported series can be optionally included as affiliates upon their request. Examples of these would include tracks that host only Figure 8, Classic/Vintage, Karts, and/or classes that are powered by motorcycle or other small engines, such as Mini-Sprints and Dwarfs. Also included in this group would be tracks that run only infrequent special events. All supported regular seasonal primary classes will be automatically listed with the affiliate. Regular seasonal secondary classes may be optionally listed as well. Any secondary class that has multiple subdivisions will have the class listed as one overall general class only. The specific subdivisions can, however, be listed separately in the Race Results section for our Level I affiliates. Series classes will only be listed with any included series affiliate rather than for the tracks the series visits. If there are any supported tracks or series that are not listed as an affiliate and either should be automatically included or wish to be optionally included by request, please contact us immediately at office@dirtdrivers.com! One important point of clarification - dirtdrivers.com has no desire to compete against any other racing Web site. In fact, our purpose is just the opposite - we want to promote local racing in every way possible! This is why we include links to other racing sites, such as racetrack and series sites, news and results sites, and any racers' own personal sites. If you have a racing site link you'd like included on dirtdrivers.com, email us at office@dirtdrivers.com and let us know! If you have any comments or suggestions on how dirtdrivers.com can serve you better, please visit our Suggestion Box. We welcome your input! Thanks for visiting dirtdrivers.com! We hope you'll enjoy the ride! Mailing Address: Dirt Drivers, LLC 9100 Buckboard Drive Lincoln, NE 68532 Email Address: office@dirtdrivers.com |